Ethics and Compliance Channel

INES ROSALES SAU has an Internal Information System that is accessible to all employees, service providers, suppliers, customers and/or any third party related to the companies that make up the system.

This is the means by which any person in a work and/or professional context can confidentially report or inform on irregular facts or conduct in which any employee of Inés Rosales has been directly or indirectly involved and which may constitute a crime and/or a serious or very serious administrative offence, or which involves or may involve a violation of the Code of Conduct or of the internal regulations of INES ROSALES.

Use this Channel consciously and responsibly and avoid abusive and bad faith use. It is therefore important that you only pass on information that is reasonably truthful.

How does it work?

  • There is a form for filing a complaint. An acknowledgement of receipt together with an identifier will be sent within seven days.
  • If you wish, the report can be anonymous. In this way, when you fill in the form, your e-mail address, telephone number or any other information that identifies you will not be shown. It is carried out through a system that allows for absolute confidentiality.
  • Any evidence, images, videos or documents that support or prove the alleged facts may be attached.
  • Complaints admitted will be studied and investigated within a period of three months, extendable for a further three months, by a Committee made up of internal staff, who will carry out the corresponding investigation with the aim of clarifying the truth or falsity of the complaint.
  • The Committee shall ensure that the rights of the complainant (protection against retaliation, confidentiality and/or anonymity), of the accused (right to defence, presumption of innocence and honour) and of personal data are protected.

Specifically, it is announced that the Channel is NOT intended for the following cases:

1.- Complaints or claims from customers or suppliers. These situations should be dealt with through the usual customer or supplier service channels.

2.- Conflicts between employees. Disputes between employees should be resolved through internal company procedures, such as mediation or arbitration mechanisms.

3.- Personal matters unrelated to the company. Personal matters of staff that are not related to the company should not be dealt with through the whistleblowing channel.

4.- Situations that do not involve non-compliance with regulations, Codes of Ethics or policies. The whistleblowing channel should be used exclusively to report conduct contrary to the law or the company’s internal policies.

You can access by clicking on the following link or by scanning the QR code: